Old Town
2 Dr. Stoyan Chomakov St.
With the support of National Geographic Bulgaria
17:00 – 20:00
Children’s Pleine Air – drawing objects from the museum’s exhibit.
19:00 – 23:00
The Best of Tsocho Peev – anniversary exhibition – cartoons – live caricature portraits.
Tsocho Peev was born in 1951. His professional interests include cartoon, illustration and book design. He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (since 1990). He is also one of the organisers of the Masters of Caricature International Biennial in Plovdiv.
20:00 – 23:00
The Nedelevs: A Family of Cutlers and Coppersmiths – exhibition and demonstration.
Cutler Hristo Nedelev is from Karlovo. In 2010, he won the First Prize in the International Folk Crafts Fair in Etura, Northern Bulgaria, for his copy of a 200-year old “groshak” knife. He makes the best classical “kania” knives in the country. Coppersmith Marin Nedelev makes beautifully varied copper pots, dishes, basins, jugs and cups. Cutler Pavel Nedelev makes European, traditional and hunting knives.
20:30 – 23:00
Ethnorhythms beneath the Hills – music and dance performance by the Iglika Folk Dance Ensemble (Municipal Children’s Complex) and Generations Group (Iglika Association) – director: Ventsislava Elenska.